Frequently asked questions
What is JITO?
JITO is a worldwide organisation of businessmen, industrialists, knowledge workers, and professionals reflecting
the glory of ethical business practices.
It is a global organisation set to achieve socio-economic empowerment, value based education, community
welfare, the practice of compassion, the spread of global friendship, and spiritual upliftment of fellow beings.
How can i update/edit my profile?
- On the home page click the menu item on the bottom left and click on your name on top to view your profile.
- Click on the edit button on the top right to open your profile for editing
- Once you have edited your details click the update button on the top right to update your profile
How can i send a notification?
- On the home page click the broadcast button on the bottom right to open the notification popup.
- Enter the title, message and choose the group to which you want to send the notification
- Click the Send Notification button to finish sending the notification
How can i view projects?
- On the home page click Projects in the section below Banner.
- Click on the category to view projects of that category.